Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rabbits In The Garden


It's been a productive Sunday! Here is a new illustration titled "Rabbits In The Garden". I was in the mood to draw something to do with spring, so I made this in Adobe Illustrator over the span of a few hours today.

If you'd like, you can even play an "I Spy" game with this illustration. You can look for and count rabbits, snails, carrots, radishes, mushrooms, daisies, forget-me-nots, and more! Have fun!

Don't forget, there is still free shipping on purchases from my Society6 shop until midnight tonight, Sunday April 14th!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Brushstroke Cat

This was actually something I had painted years ago but had forgotten about until I cleaned out a box with some of my old artwork and sketchbooks.  It was originally painted with ink and a bamboo brush on rice paper.  I thought it would make a nice print on t-shirts and tote bags in my shop, so I scanned it into Photoshop and cleaned it up a bit, and here it is!

Also, there is a free shipping promo that is currently running in my shop until midnight on Sunday, April 14, so stop by and take a look.