On Sunday I went to the Rosamond Gifford Zoo with Jeff. I'd never been to that zoo before. We brought our sketchbooks and drew pictures of the animals. We couldn't do too much drawing outside because of the rain, but we did get to draw inside the buildings a lot. I love the penguins. They're just so much fun to watch! I took a bunch of photos at the zoo, but haven't had time to upload those yet. However, I did manage a teeny little video of the penguins swimming. They're like little torpedoes!
A few years ago I painted this mailbox for my parents for the family's summer house. This mailbox was made to replace one that I had painted for them back in high school. Mom put in a special request for a pirate mailbox, so I sketched out some designs and she picked this one. Over the years, weather elements have caused the mailbox to become a bit worn down, so I'll be painting a new mailbox for them soon.